May 17, 2014
This years NT titles will be held as a Blue Ribbon Event, allowing both provisional drivers as well as new drivers to compete at this year title. The event has returned to a 8 heat format, dropping your worst heat so there is plenty of racing for those traveling up. This year nominations will be done via the AIDKA web site. Payment can be made with credit/debit cards or paypal at the time of nomination.
2014 Brian Joy NT Dirt Kart Title Prospectus
This year AIDKA is moving to make such tasks as Nomination much easier and faster for drivers to do. Here is a step by step guide to nomination under our new system.
1- Click on either the NT title nomination icon of the side of the home page or click on the link below
2014 Brian Joy NT Dirt Kart Title nomination
2- Fill out the required information. Please ensure that you enter only one valid email address and one valid phone number. If you do not have an email address you can either use an email address of somebody you know or preferably set up you own. Companies such as gmail offer free email accounts and are easy to set up.
Once you have entered all the information including the class/es entered, preferred race number and how many dinner tickets you require, you will need to tick the check box to acknowledge that you have qualified for the classes entered. The next step is to hit the Submit button to proceed to the payments section.
If the form does not proceed to paypal it means you have entered some of the required information incorrectly. Look under the field boxes for an error message telling you which field has been entered incorrectly.
The amount required to pay is automatically generated.
3 – Once you have been redirected to paypal you have two options.
If you have a paypal account, you can just log in and use your paypal to pay for your nominations. Once competed you will be redirected back to the aidka nominations page to show you have completed the process and an email will be sent to you confirming your nomination.
If you do not have a paypal account you will need to press the “pay with credit or debit card”option. Here you can just enter your credit/debit card information, and after payment has been confirmed, you will be rediredcted back to the aidka nomination page, to show you you have completed the nomination process. You will also receive a confirmation email confirming your nomination.
If you don’t have a credit or debit card, companies such as Australia post sell credit cards that you can load the required funds onto for transactions such as this. They cost $6.95 and can be reloaded as often as you want. For more information on these cards please click on the following link.
Load & Go rechargeable Visa Card
If you have any problems nominating please email web@aidka.com.au or call 08 8269 2928 and we can answer any questions you have.