Dec 23, 2014
Drivers Renewing their Licence
For those who wish to renew their drivers licence from last year, here are the steps required. All the information collected will be used to assist you during the year with title nominations, and future web base enhancements.
You will need to have the following:
– a valid email address
– your current licence number
– current ambulance cover
– a credit card or paypal account
– if you are applying for a higher licence grade, you will need a copy of last years endorsements for your upgrade
– Please supply a new photo in jpeg format
Click on the ‘Licence’ tab and fill in the required information. If you have made an omission or error, the error will be highlighted in red and need to be fixed before you can proceed. Once you have successfully completed the form, and made your payment you will receive an email with all your licence details. If you see any errors in the form you will need to email the licence secretary for this to be fixed.
Your licence is now complete but will not be activated until you have applied for and paid your nominated club membership. Please visit your club’s website for membership details. Your club will notify AIDKA once the club membership fees have been paid so they can complete the licence process. You now receive your AIDKA licence digitally and it will be accessible via the AIDKA App.
If you have any problems or questions regarding the licence application process please email secretary@aidka.com.au
Pit Crew Renewing their Licence
For those who wish to renew their pit crew licence from last year, here are the steps required.
You will need to have the following:
– a valid email address
– your current licence number
– current ambulance cover
– a credit card or paypal account
– Please supply an up to date photo
Click on the ‘Licence’ tab and fill in the required information. If you have made an omission or error, the error will be highlighted in red and need to be fixed before you can proceed. Once you have successfully completed the form, and made your payment you will receive an email with all your licence details. If you see any errors in the form you will need to email the licence secretary for this to be fixed.
Your licence is now complete but will not be activated until you have applied for and paid your nominated club membership. Please visit your club’s website for membership details. Your club will notify AIDKA once the club membership fees have been paid so they can complete the licence process. You now receive your AIDKA licence digitally and it will be accessible via the AIDKA App.
Please contact your Club Licence Secretary to obtain your logbook. You will need this before racing at any track. Only your club should be supplying you with your logbook. Please don’t expect other clubs to do this.
If you have any problems or questions regarding the licence application process please email secretary@aidka.com.au
Officials Renewing their Licence
For those who wish to renew their officials licence from last year, here are the steps required. Clubs may offer you a discount code for when you apply for your licence. Officials that may be entitled to these discount could be chief stewards, chief scrutineers etc. Please contact your club if you feel you may be entitled to this discount.
You will need to have the following:
– a valid email address
– your current licence number
– current ambulance cover
– a credit card or paypal account
– if you are applying for a discounted pit crew licence, you will require the discount code from your driver
– Please supply an updated photo
Click on the ‘Licence’ Tab and fill in the required information. If you have made an omission or error, the error will be highlighted in red and need to be fixed before you can proceed. Once you have successfully completed the form, and made your payment you will receive an email with all your licence details. If you see any errors in the form you will need to email the licence secretary for this to be fixed.
Your licence is now complete but will not be activated until you have applied and paid your nominated club membership. Please visit your club’s website for membership details. Your club will notify AIDKA once the club membership fees have been paid so they can complete the licence process. You now receive your AIDKA licence digitally and it will be accessible via the AIDKA App.
Please contact your Club Licence Secretary to obtain your logbook. You will need this before going to any track. Only your club should be supplying you with your logbook. Please don’t expect other clubs to do this.
If you have any problems or questions regarding the licence application process please email secretary@aidka.com.au
New Members applying for their Licence
For those who are applying for their first licence, here are the steps required. All the information collected will be used to assist you during the year with title nominations, and future web base enhancements.
You will need to have the following:
– a valid email address
– current ambulance cover
– a credit card or paypal account
– a photo of the licence applicant
Click on the ‘Licence’ Tab and fill in the required information. If you have made an omission or error, the error will be highlighted in red and need to be fixed before you can proceed. Once you have successfully completed the form, and made your payment you will receive an email with all your licence details. If you see any errors in the form you will need to email the licence secretary for this to be fixed.
Your licence is now complete but will not be activated until you have applied for and paid your nominated club membership. Please visit your club’s website for membership details. Your club will notify AIDKA once the club membership fees have been paid so they can complete the licence process.
Please contact your Club Licence Secretary to obtain your logbook. You will need this before racing at any track. Only your club should be supplying you with your logbook. Please don’t expect other clubs to do this.
If you have any problems or questions regarding the licence application process please email secretary@aidka.com.au
Information regarding payments
Once you are redirected to PayPal you have two options:
If you have a Paypal account, you can just log in and use your Paypal to pay for your nominations. Once competed you will be redirected back to the AIDKA licence page to show you have completed the process and an email will be sent to you confirming your licence information.
If you do not have a Paypal account you will need to press the “pay with credit or debit card”option. Here you can just enter your credit/debit card information, and after payment has been confirmed, you will be redirected back to the AIDKA licence page, to show you you have completed the licence process. You will also receive a confirmation email confirming your licence information.
If you don’t have a credit or debit card, companies such as Australia post sell credit cards that you can load the required funds onto for transactions such as this. They cost $6.95 and can be reloaded as often as you want. For more information on these cards please click on the following link.
Load & Go rechargeable Visa Card
Email Accounts
AIDKA require that you submit an email address with your licence application. This allows AIDKA to contact you via email with any updates or information that you may require during the year. If you do not have an email address you can either use an email address of somebody you know or preferably set up you own. Companies such as gmail offer free email accounts and are easy to set up.