Mar 11, 2014
AIDKA is committed to the ongoing development of our sport and supporting our member club organisations. The committee with the support of club representatives has engaged the Verve Group to undertake a strategic review of AIDKA. Verve Group is a specialist consulting firm and has extensive experience in working with sporting clubs, their peak bodies and organisations that are highly dependent on contributions from volunteers. The main purpose of the review is to develop a clear pathway forward for AIDKA and how to make best use of the resources available to the association. The review commenced mid February this year with a strategic planning meeting attended by our committee and representatives from several clubs and has already highlighted several improvement opportunities for AIDKA. Verve Group will undertake further consultation with our member clubs, the executive as well as review our financial position and overall governance model. A report on the findings from the review will be tabled by Verve Group at our May council meeting in Adelaide. If any member club would like more information about the review or is interested in making any input to the review please contact Martin Pike at the Verve Group on 08 81204877.