Australian Independent Dirt Kart Association

New Race Line Update

New Race Line Update

Jan 10, 2025

AIDKA recently advertised the following positions within AIDKA, with applications closing Wednesday 8th January 2025. Board Member Positions x5 Technical Committee 3 x positions (2x 2-year term, 1x 1 year term) Rule Change Panel 1 x position (2-year term)0Publicity & Marketing 3 x positions (2x 2-year term, 1x 1 year term) Calendar & Events Committee – 3 x positions (2x 2-year term, 1x 1 year term) As at the close of applications not all positions received sufficient applications to proceed with the election at the February Special General Meeting. Therefore, applications for the following positions (only) have been reopened until Thursday 16th January 2025. Board Member Positions Publicity & Marketing   Calendar & Events Committee The Applications are available using the below links: AIDKA Director Application formDownload Sub Committee Application formDownload Applications for the Technical Committee and Rule Change Panel Sub Committees WILL NOT be reopened. Details of what the structure looks like and a brief description of the positions are available in the third edition of the Dirt from the Desk Newsletter which is available at this link This is an exciting time for our sport, and there are a number of opportunities for YOU to get involved in the future direction and management of your sport. The first step in the successful implementation of these changes is for members to get involved.  If you have any questions regarding the process or individual positions, please do not hesitate to contact Tony Dunn ( or Kylie Thompson...

AIDKA Dirt from the Desk #4

Hot of the Press! AIDKA Dirt from the Desk Edition 4. Check it out using the below link! AIDKA Dirt from the Desk 4Download We would like to take this opportunity to wish to you a very Merry & safe Christmas and New Year. See you all trackside in...

AIDKA Board & Sub Committee Applications NOW OPEN

AIDKA Board & Sub Committee Applications NOW OPEN

Dec 16, 2024

It is with great excitement that we can advise the Council voted to accept the new AIDKA Constitution, Regulations and Job Descriptions. We would like to thank the AIDKA Clubs and Delegates for their support in moving the association forward. The major take away from this is, AIDKA are moving to a new structure. Details of what the structure looks like and a brief description of the positions are available in the third edition of the Dirt from the Desk Newsletter which is available at this link In line with the implementation timetable advised in the Dirt from the Desk newsletter we can confirm applications are NOW OPEN for the following positions: Board Member Positions x 5Technical Committee 3 x positions (2x 2-year term, 1x 1 year term)Rule Change Panel 1 x position (2-year term) Publicity & Marketing 3 x positions (2x 2-year term, 1x 1 year term)Calendar & Events Committee – 3 x positions (2x 2-year term, 1x 1 year term) Nominations close 5pm Wednesday 8th January 2025. For a nomination to be accepted it must be received before the close of nominations on the correct form, with all the information supplied. The Applications are avaliable using the below links: AIDKA Director Application formDownload Sub Committee Application formDownload Voting will then be conducted at a Special General Meeting to be held in Adelaide on Friday 7th February 2025. This is an exciting time for our sport, and there are a number of opportunities for YOU to get involved in the future direction and management of your sport. The first step in the successful implementation of these changes is for members to get involved.  If you have any questions regarding the process or individual positions, please do not hesitate to contact Tony Dunn ( or Kylie Thompson (

AIDKA Dirt from the Desk Edition 3 – New AIDKA Structure Edition

Please see below the latest edition of “AIDKA Dirt from the Desk”. This edition is dedicated to communicating AIDKA’s new structure. It is an exciting time for AIDKA, our sports future is bright! Please review the newsletter and information with open arms and open minds. This new structure will only succeed if we all have the same goals and achievements to aim for. This includes Management, Sub Committees, Clubs, members and more importantly YOU!! So, make yourself a cuppa, sit back and enjoy the latest edition of AIDKA Dirt from the Desk – New AIDKA Structure Edition. AIDKA Dirt from the Desk 3_New Structure...

2024 Australian Title Results

2024 Australian Title Results

Nov 29, 2024

The 2024 Australian Dirt Kart Titles hosted by Lucindale Karting Club have now been run and won. Mother Nature certainly threw plenty of challenges our way throughout the entire event. CONGRATULATIONS to the Lucindale Karting Club for a very well organised meeting. A huge THANK YOU to all the officials and volunteers! We appreciate the time and effort you put into running this event! Simply put, we cannot run these events without you. SPECIAL MENTION must go to the Lucindale Karting Club Track Crew for all their hard work and efforts with the track.  CONGRATULATIONS to all the competitors especially those who manage to be standing on the podium at the completion of the weekend. AIDKA would like to acknowledge some of the provisional placings awarded on the Ingrid at the 2024 Australian Dirt Kart Titles were made in error, where some competitors tied on overall points. This affected the Outlaws, KT Mediums, Junior Lights, 125 Lights, KT Heavy and 200 Open classes. The results were reviewed, and then placed on the results board at the event. Therefore the placings supplied and read out at presentations were correct. However, as some drivers where not advised of the corrected placings prior, we acknowledge this caused some angst on the podium. AIDKA is deeply sorry for the events that took place and the upset the awarding of incorrect placings has caused. AIDKA is aware of the distress this has brought upon those affected and the impact on our sport. This is something AIDKA does not take lightly. AIDKA is committed to making the necessary changes to prevent similar issues in the future. Our apologies for the delay in publishing the Final Results. The full Results and Points sheets can be accessed below: 2024 Australian Titles_Points SheetsDownload 2024 Australian Titles_Results...