Jan 10, 2025
AIDKA recently advertised the following positions within AIDKA, with applications closing Wednesday 8th January 2025. Board Member Positions x5 Technical Committee 3 x positions (2x 2-year term, 1x 1 year term) Rule Change Panel 1 x position (2-year term)0Publicity & Marketing 3 x positions (2x 2-year term, 1x 1 year term) Calendar & Events Committee – 3 x positions (2x 2-year term, 1x 1 year term) As at the close of applications not all positions received sufficient applications to proceed with the election at the February Special General Meeting. Therefore, applications for the following positions (only) have been reopened until Thursday 16th January 2025. Board Member Positions Publicity & Marketing Calendar & Events Committee The Applications are available using the below links: AIDKA Director Application formDownload Sub Committee Application formDownload Applications for the Technical Committee and Rule Change Panel Sub Committees WILL NOT be reopened. Details of what the structure looks like and a brief description of the positions are available in the third edition of the Dirt from the Desk Newsletter which is available at this link https://www.aidka.com.au/aidka-dirt-from-the-desk-edition-3-new-aidka-structure-edition/ This is an exciting time for our sport, and there are a number of opportunities for YOU to get involved in the future direction and management of your sport. The first step in the successful implementation of these changes is for members to get involved. If you have any questions regarding the process or individual positions, please do not hesitate to contact Tony Dunn (generalmanager@aidka.com.au) or Kylie Thompson...