Australian Independent Dirt Kart Association

An IMPORTANT message about Social Media to all AIDKA Licence Holders.

An IMPORTANT message about Social Media to all AIDKA Licence Holders.

Sep 11, 2023

Sadly once again we are seeing an increase in complaints about intimidation, bullying and generally unacceptable behavior via social media in OUR SPORT. This must stop as of NOW. We are taking this opportunity to remind ALL AIDKA LICENCE HOLDERS that AIDKA do have a Code of Conduct and Social Media Policy (which is in the 2023 AIDKA Rule Book). We ask everyone to familiarise themselves with the Code of Conduct and Social Media Policy. Penalties can be, and have been imposed (including a suspension for up to 3 months for the first offence) for any person deemed to be in breach. For those who have AIDKA members under 18 we encourage you have the conversation with them regarding what IS and IS NOT acceptable. Some discussion topics are listed below. ** Be nice. Mean behavior is not OK. Make it clear that you expect your kids to treat others with respect, and to never post hurtful or embarrassing messages. And ask them to always tell you about any harassing or bullying messages that others post. ** Think twice before hitting “enter.” Remind them that what they post can be used against them. Once they hit enter their comments cannot be taken back. ** Follow the “WWGS?” (What Would Grandma Say?) rule. Teach kids not to share anything on social media that they wouldn’t want their teachers, parents, AIDKA Executive — and yes, grandma — to see. ** Use privacy settings. Privacy settings are important. Go through them together to make sure your kids understand each one. Also, explain that passwords are there to protect them against things like identity theft. They should never share them with anyone, even a boyfriend, girlfriend, or best friend. ** Don’t “friend” strangers. “If you don’t know them, don’t friend them.” This is a plain, simple — and safe — rule of thumb. ** Defriend “friends” who are harassing or bullying them. Encourage your kids to leave chats, groups or defriend people who make them feel uncomfortable or upset. ** Or if they feel they are being harassed or bullied. Some great information and help can be found at...

2023 NT Title Results

2023 NT Title Results

Aug 29, 2023

For the first time in AIDKA’s history the NT Titles where hosted by Top End Dirt Karts, and from the 21st to 23rd July 2023 these Titles were run and won. Congratulations to all the competitors who managed to win a State Plate. And a huge THANK YOU to all the interstate travelers who made the journey to Darwin. Congratulations to Top End Dirt Karts  for the running of a successful event. A huge thank you to all the Officials and Volunteers, who assisted over the weekend. Most people are unaware of the amount of work that goes on behind the scenes to produce such an event. So THANK YOU to you all. Below are the results from the 2023 NT Title. Apologies for the delay posting these results. 2023 NT Title_Points Sheets_FinalDownload 2023 NT Title_Result...

2022 Australian Dirt Kart Title Nominations…ARE NOW OPEN

2022 Australian Dirt Kart Title Nominations…ARE NOW OPEN

Aug 11, 2023

After mother nature’s antics last year meant the 2022 Australian Dirt Kart Title hosted by Tatiara Kart Club had to be postponed, we are excited to announce nominations for the rescheduled 2022 Australian Dirt Kart Title are NOW OPEN!! The event will be held from Thursday 26th October to Sunday 29th October 2023. Please see the Prospectus for all the event information. Click the below link to view the prospectus. TKC-Aussie-Titles-prospectus-2023_FINALDownload Nominations close MONDAY 18TH SEPTEMBER 2023 AT 9PM (ACST). Please be aware that the nominations for individual classes will close once 80 legitimate entries are received. Remember no late nominations will be accepted. To nominate go to the Race Calendar on your AIDKA App or via the following link Appendix A Rules 1 & 2 in the 2023 AIDKA Rulebook explains the conditions to nominate for a Title. To fulfill nomination requirements full payment and a copy of the drivers logbook (pages which list the race meetings attended) must be received by AIDKA at the time of nominating. So don’t delay get your nominations in...

2023 AIDKA Rule Book Updated effective 01/08/2023

2023 AIDKA Rule Book Updated effective 01/08/2023

Aug 2, 2023

Please be advised that the Rule Changes discussed at the June 2023 Council Meeting and subsequently voted on by clubs has now been implemented into the AIDKA Rule Book effective the 1st August 2023. Changes have been made to the following rules:** Rule 10.2** Rule 32.17.3** Rule 33.12** Appendix A Rule 6** Appendix A Rule 21 ** Appendix A Rule 26** Appendix A Rule 32Also Rule 15.3 has been updated and Rule 12.7 added in line with the AIDKA Smoking Policy with was introduced in March 2023. Please note the above changes are highlighted red (with white text) in the 2023 AIDKA Rule Book (Version 1st August 2023) The updated Rule Book is available under the Rules/Rule Book Tab on the AIDKA Website and also in the App (Under...

2023 NT Dirt Kart Title Driver Briefing Notes are now avaliable.

After many months of planning the 2023 Northern Territory Dirt Kart Titles hosted by Top End Dirt Karts is almost here. The  Drivers Briefing Notes for this event are available to be downloaded with the below link: 2023 NT Titles Drivers Briefing Notes__FINALDownload The Drivers Briefing Notes are also available under the “Documents” section on the AIDKA App. As per the published timetable a very short drivers briefing will be held Friday Morning to give any drivers or pit crew the opportunity to ask questions. It also gives the Chief Steward the opportunity to introduce themselves and the other key officials. Remember that even though the In Person Drivers Briefing is expected to be short ALL drivers, pit crew, parents/guardians and family members who will be in the pit area are required to attend, and we ask that you arrive promptly when called. So, what do you need to do? Ensure you and your pit crew have read and understood the Drivers Briefing Notes. This is CRUCIAL.  If you have a driver under the age of 18 please ensure they understand the contents of the Drivers Briefing Notes.At Driver Registration you will sign to acknowledge you have read and understood the Drivers Briefing Notes.Please ask any questions you may have at the In Person Drivers Briefing on Friday morning (21st July 2023) We would like to take this opportunity to wish all competitors, officials and volunteers the best of luck for the...