Jul 3, 2023
Further to the recent annoucement regarding Fuel & Oil Rule Changes effective 1st September 2023 please see the below important Sup Reg that will apply to the 2023 NT Title. Sup Reg for 2023 NT...
Jul 3, 2023
Recently AIDKA have undertaken a review of our fuel rules which included conducting a survey of what fuel and oils members are using. After the AIDKA Survey results were analysed, 22 oils have been tested with PULP, VP C9 and PowerPlus at all different ratios to get a current data base. From these results the Fuel Committee, along with the AIDKA Technical Committee have proposed we control oils available for use in AIDKA to a list of 22 oils and have an option for others to be introduced or some eliminated if our data shows from testing that it is not being used readily. This will help control fuel and oils within the sport. Amongst the testing and analysis, we have found that PowerPlus contains ethanol and is illegal for our sport. The readings are extremely different to the other 2 options of fuel available. At the June 2023 Council Meeting it was passed that the below rule changes be implemented effective as of 1st September 2023. This includes banning PowerPlus. Please note that PowerPlus cannot be used at any title event prior to this date, but only club meetings. Fuel Rule Change_eff 1 Sept 2023Download Please familiarise yourself with the following rule changes (highlighted in yellow) that will be effective as of 1st September 2023. Regards AIDKA Executive & AIDKA Technical...
May 27, 2023
We are excited to announce nominations for the 2023 Northern Territory Dirt Kart State Title hosted by TOP END DIRT KARTS are NOW OPEN!! This is the first time in AIDKA’s history the Northern Territory Titles will be hosted in Darwin. Nominations close MONDAY 19th JUNE 2023 at 9pm (ACST). Remember no late nominations will be accepted. Please see the Prospectus for all the event information. Click the below link to view the prospectus. TEDK Prospectus finalDownload To nominate go to the Race Calendar on your AIDKA App or via the following link https://app.aidka.com.au/dk/#/calendar Please make sure you attach a copy of each driver’s logbook to prove eligibility. Remember we need the actual log book page (the page that lists the meetings you have done) Please don’t sent a copy of your digital license or a photo of the front cover of your log book. We need to be able to see what meetings you have attended to be able to verify your qualification. Depending on how much racing you have done in this year, you may need to supply the 2022 and 2023 logbooks to prove qualification. Appendix A in the 2023 AIDKA Rulebook explains the conditions to nominate for a Title. So don’t delay get your nominations in today and be a part of this history making...
May 9, 2023
Despite Mother Nature’s attempts to ruin the 2023 South Australian Dirt Kart Titles hosted by Morgan Dirt Kart Club, the event has been successfully run and won. Thanks to the competitors, spectators, volunteers and officials for your patience over the weekend. Congratulations to all the drivers who finished on the podium. The link to the Result Sheets & Points Sheets are below. Congratulations to Morgan Dirt Kart Club Executive and Volunteers on hosting a successful title. It is a huge amount of work that goes in behind the scenes to pull these events together We would like to take this opportunity to thank ALL the Officials and Volunteers. You are the lifeline to our sport and we cant run these events without you. We appreciate you giving up your weekend to help out. It is with great pleasure we announce that Loxton Kart Club will host the 2024 South Australian Dirt Kart State Titles. We look forward to seeing everyone there, for what will be a cracker of a title! 2023 SA TITLES_RESULTS SHEETSDownload 2023 SA TITLE_POINTS...
Aug 10, 2016
The AIDKA council over the weekend discussed the issue’s with numbers and have amended the rule to the following, effective 1st September 2016 15.9.1 Rear number plates shall be flexible material with a flat surface that is a minimum of 200mm square, to carry numbers which must be a minimum of 145mm high and a minimum of 20mm thick and be a plain or italic font. The numbers must be a minimum of 10mm from the edge of the plate or flexible material and a 10mm gap between double or triple digit numbers. Front numbers to have a minimum of a 20mm background Below are example’s of the new requirements: In addition to this amendment all State plate holders will be required to run the state letter 100mm high preceding the...