Dec 17, 2024
Listed below are the proposed rule change that have now been emailed to all AIDKA Club’s for VOTING. Members are encouraged to speak to their Club Executive and be involved in the voting process! Clubs need to submit their votes by 5pm (ACDT) on Wednesday 15th January 2025. Votes received outside of this time will not be accepted. Proposed Rule Changes 2024-37 _BKC_Rule Change Request Rule 21.1.Download 2024-41 _DTKC_Rule Change Request Rule 18.1Download 2024-42 _DTKC_Rule Change Request Rule 18 HeadingDownload 2024-43 _DTKC_Rule Change Request Rule 18.3Download 2024-44 _DTKC_Rule Change Request Rule 19 HeadingDownload 2024-45_TEDK_Rule Change Request Rule 2.12 (new rule)Download 2024-46_TEDK_Rule Change Request Rule 2.13 (new rule)Download Please note that this post will be removed once all votes are collated and will be replaced with the outcome of the voting, and the updated 2025 Rule Book. A notification will be sent out to all members via the app when this occurs. REMEMBER THESE RULE CHANGES HAVE NOT BEEN ACCEPTED OR IMPLEMENTED YET THEY ARE ONLY OUT FOR VOTING BY CLUBS AT THIS...