Australian Independent Dirt Kart Association

KT 100 S clarification

Question: Can you anodise a KT 100 S cylinder head?  The clarification from the  AIDKA Technical committee is: Anodised cylinder heads are NOT allowed on KT 100 S engines.  Effective: 1st May 2019   Clarification of Rule: 11.3.1 KT 100 S specifications, Single KT 100S Piston Port Engine only as manufactured by Yamaha with standard external appearance( no left hand conversions) from carburetor inlet to barrel exhaust outlet. Piston port engine must retain piston induction ( no reed or rotary induction allowed). External modifications which do not in any way affect a performance gain are legal.  Maximum piston diameter is 55.0 mm. The use of thermal barrier coatings on or in the engine / engine components and, on or in exhaust components is prohibited. The use of anti-friction coatings on or in the engine / engine components is prohibited.   The Tech committee have considered the overall wording, discussed this and agreed not to allow anodized KT 100 S...

Approved font for kart numbers

Please click on the links below for the three approved styles. We have also included the Italic version of the three fonts. aidka numbers 2019   aidka numbers 2019 itallic...

Latest Rule Changes effective 1st February 2019

APPROVED RULE CHANGES EFFECTIVE 1st February 2019 Please click on the link above to see the latest Rule Changes that clubs have approved.

Several Documents Updated – July 2018

The following documents have been updated over at Stewards Handbook Quad Bike Policy Insurance Summary of Cover Title Events Document Track Operation Manual Self Scrutineering Form Get yourself up to date now...

Rule Changes from May Council Meeting

Please see attached the Rule change results that clubs have recently voted on. Please remember that these rule changes are what the majority of clubs voted (so more than 50% of clubs voted either Yes or No). June 2018 Rule Changes All Clubs

New Indemnity Form

Clubs – please use this version of the Indemnity Form – the change being that the release is now formatted over the whole page, with a full page available for signatures. Release Form