Australian Independent Dirt Kart Association

AIDKA Code of Conduct & Social Media reminder

AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE TO ALL AIDKA LICENCE HOLDERS Sadly we are seeing an increase in complaints about intimidation, bullying and generally unacceptable behaviour via social media in OUR SPORT. This must stop as of now. AIDKA does have a Code of Conduct and Social Media Policy (which is in the 2022 AIDKA Rule Book). We would like to take this opportunity to ask people to familiarise themselves with the Code of Conduct and Social Media Policy. Penalties can be, and have been imposed (including a suspension for up to 3 months for the first offence) for any person deemed to be in breach. For those who have AIDKA members under 18 we encourage you have the conversation with them regarding what IS and IS NOT acceptable. Some discussion topics are listed below. Be nice. Mean behaviour is not OK. Make it clear that you expect your kids to treat others with respect, and to never post hurtful or embarrassing messages. And ask them to always tell you about any harassing or bullying messages that others post.Think twice before hitting “enter.” Remind them that what they post can be used against them. Once they hit enter their comments cannot be taken back. Follow the “WWGS?” (What Would Grandma Say?) rule. Teach kids not to share anything on social media that they wouldn’t want their teachers, parents, AIDKA Executive — and yes, grandma — to see.Use privacy settings. Privacy settings are important. Go through them together to make sure your kids understand each one. Also, explain that passwords are there to protect them against things like identity theft. They should never share them with anyone, even a boyfriend, girlfriend, or best friend.Don’t “friend” strangers. “If you don’t know them, don’t friend them.” This is a plain, simple — and safe — rule of thumb.Defriend “friends” who are harassing or bullying them. Encourage your kids to leave chats, groups or defriend people who make them feel uncomfortable or upset. Or if they feel they are being harassed or bullied. Some great information and help can be found at...

Strike J Piston update

Some Strike J Pistons due to the manufacturing process can have excess material on the inside of the piston in a localised area. The Strike Factory apply some minor grinding to ensure no material dislodges when these pistons are being used for racing. This is allowable, but must be done only by the Strike Factory. No additional grinding allowed. Regards. AIDKA Technical Committee. Posted:...

2022 SA Dirt Kart Title results

2022 SA Dirt Kart Title results

May 30, 2022

The 2022 SA Dirt Kart Titles hosted by Yorke Peninsula Dirt Kart Club has now been run and won. Congratulations to all the competitors who managed to walk away with a State Plate, Trophy and Sash. It’s a tough gig out there! Weather conditions weren’t the kindest to the club but through perserverance and determination, we managed to get through to the end. Some people were smiling, some were not! A credit to the track crew who ended up giving the drivers a pearler of a track. A huge pat on the back to all the Volunteers, Stewards, Officials, Pit Crew and Drivers who ‘hung in there’ and made the event as successful as it was. Many people are unaware of the amount of work that goes on behind the scenes to produce such an event. So THANK YOU to you all. Results sheets for the first four heats are below: Result Sheets heats 1 – 4Download For copies of the printed ‘Winner take all final’ results please click on the link below: MyLaps 2022 SA Title Winner Take All FinalDownload Below is the link to the speedhive results for all the races over the weekend....

2022 NT Titles nominations have been extended

2022 NT Titles nominations have been extended

May 30, 2022

Please click on the link below for access to the NT Title Prospectus: Nominations now close 21st June 2022 @ 9pm NT time NT Titles 2022_Final V2Download For those people wishing to nominate drivers but don’t have access to the AIDKA App – please click on this link: Remember: you can nominate multiple people on the same nomination – just change their licence number. You must also have access to their logbook for Title eligibility. Please make sure you are familiar with Appendix A in the 2022...

Midget Wheels and Tyres update

Please see the below update from the AIDKA Technical Committee regarding the Midget Class Specifications: Wheels: Metallic wheels to maximum dimensions of 185mm width, measured outside to outside X 5″ diameter. Tyres: Any kart tyre to the maximum marked dimension of 11″ x 6″ -5″. Tyres can be grooved. Regards AIDKA Technical Committee 1st April...

Junior Kart Championship (JKC) nominations now open for 2022

Junior Kart Championship (JKC) nominations now open for 2022

Mar 11, 2022

It’s back! After a very successful JKC series last year, we are holding it once again! This is where we get to showcase our up and coming stars in the making – both Rookies and Juniors. Loxton: 10th April 2022Adelaide: 28th May 2022YPDKC: 30th July 2022Tatiara 22nd October 2022 To nominate: Update: Rookie drivers are also welcome to be a part of this exciting series.Rookie/Junior Drivers who wish to be a ‘contracted driver’ must select Race Meeting 10/04/2022 Loxton ‘JKC Series contracted drivers only = Rnd 1-4’ Go through your AIDKA App and click on the little man icon (Top Right Hand Corner) and select Race Calendar. You can nominate as many drivers as you want in the one transaction. You just need to change the licence # of the driver. For those people wishing to nominate drivers but don’t have access to the AIDKA App – please click on this link: Nomination Fee for series = $120 You can nominate at each track separately but you won’t be considered a ‘Contracted Driver’. Please be aware if you are Contracted Driver, you will keep your kart number for the entire series. JKC Hoodies are available for Contracted Drivers only.    ** $35 **To view and order please go through Messenger via our JKC Facebook page. Sizing Charts below: Adult Hoodie sizing chart Youth Hoodie sizing...