Australian Independent Dirt Kart Association

2022 SA Title Nominations now OPEN

2022 SA Title Nominations now OPEN

Feb 27, 2022

Nominations for the 2022 SA Title being hosted by YPDKC are now OPEN. Open: 25th February 2022 Close: 11th April 2022 @ 9pm (SA time) ** Please note this is a new date that’s been extended by 1 week from original close of nominations date. To view Prospectus click on the link below: 2022 SA Title ProspectusDownload To nominate: go through your AIDKA App under ‘Race Calendar’. You can nominate as many people as you want in the one transaction. You just need to change the licence # of the driver. Please make sure you attach a copy of each drivers logbook to prove eligibility. Appendix A in the 2022 AIDKA Rulebook explains the conditions to nominate for a Title. For those people wishing to nominate drivers but don’t have access to the AIDKA App – please click on this link:...

2021 WA Titles results

2021 WA Titles results

Nov 8, 2021

Well done to all competitors for competing fairly at the recent 2021 WA Titles that was hosted by Busselton Kart Club. Congratulations to all the drivers who were lucky enough to stand on the podium on Sunday night. It’s a tough gig out there! For full results and placings please click on the links below: WA Titles_Results SheetDownload WA TItle_Points...

2021 Australian Title Results

2021 Australian Title Results

Oct 5, 2021

Congratulations to the Morgan Dirt Kart Club/Stewards/Officials for a well run and smooth meeting. Full Results and Points sheets can be accessed below: Morgan Results pageDownload Morgan Points...

2021 NT Titles now CANCELLED

Due to Covid Restrictions, AIDKA Executive in conjunction with the Alice Springs Karting Club, have made the tough decision to cancel the upcoming NT Titles. This event will now be run 16th and 17th July 2022.

YPDKC Transponders

Hi All YPDKC TRANSPONDERS SA clubs as you may have already heard are moving towards Mylaps Transponders. Individual clubs are now selling transponders as part of the process which will hopefully implemented 1st February 2022. In the current deal the club will receive all the operating software and hardware at no cost, saving the club over $9000. The cost of the transponders is $199.00 which includes transponder, 2 year subscription, charger and mounting bracket. We need to sell as many transponders as possible prior to 31st August 2021 to secure the deal. All senior and junior drivers will be required to run transponders, midgets and rookies are exempt but if they are going to run juniors in 2022 it may be a good chance to purchase now as costs of subscription only starts once activated. The YPDKC executive committee is committed to the running of transponders and has decided to offer a rebate on all transponders sold prior to 31st August 2021. YP club price is $180.00 per transponder. The club will also be purchasing additional Mounting brackets for those who wish to run multiple karts with one transponder. The cost of these will be $12.50 each. The Mylaps Speedhive App is free and can be used to see your data and race results once a club has uploaded the information (We intend to do this throughout our race meets and education days) Please use the below link to order and purchase your transponders and additional brackets. Once we have the transponders we will distribute them with additional information on mounting positions and activation of transponder. Please do not activate transponder until required as it starts your two year subscription. Regards YPDKC Committee​ Regards Tony Dunn YPDKC...


Hi all, As you might be aware NT and WA are now using or very shortly using Mylaps Transponders as their primary source for lap scoring at their meetings.  It is now SA’s time to decide whether to implement Mylaps Transponders as well, this also includes Weipa as they are the only other club not using them at present.  Mylaps have been very generous with their offers and for holding costs at same price for several months already. It must be taken into serious consideration as this offer won’t last for very long.  The offer from Mylaps is as follows  30 x TR2 transponders (2 year subscription) @ $199.00 total $5970.00 With these clubs will receive FREE of charge X2 server and decoder with cabling Orbit 5 ‘standard’ software Detector loop (20 metres) Total saving of $9181.70 There will be an additional freight charge of approx $35.00 per unit.  So if we sell 30 transponders to drivers @ $199.00 we will receive the operating system at NO charge.  Additional Costs for Clubs  -Only other expense would be that of replacing the loop to new Mylaps Loop  -Clubs may need to upgrade their Laptop, the minimum requirements are  -1GHz 32-bit(x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor   -1024 MB memory  -Approx 200 MB of hard disk space  -Network Adapter  -Operating System: Windows Vista (all versions), Windows 7 or 8 as a minimum.  -Clubs may elect to purchase Speedhive live timing but this is not essential and costs $1099 a year on subscription.  -We don’t expect clubs need to hold additional transponders for hire as it would be hard to get a return on your expense. Drivers can borrow others if a fault occurs at the track.  Costs For Drivers  TR2 transponder with 2 year subscription $199.00 (includes Transponder, TR2 charge cradle, TR2 Holder and micro USB cable)  Additional TR2 holders for additional karts are available @ $12.50 each Speedhive App for smartphones etc is for Drivers at NO COST and data available once uploaded by the club throughout the event. Ongoing costs for transponder subscription (initial price of $199.00 includes transponder, accessories and 2 years subscription) can be purchased via Speedhive App and at different rates. 1 year $84.99 2 Year $139.00 5 Year $289.00 NOTE if a transponder stays in subscription it remains in Warranty, if subscription expires it loses warranty.  Operating the System  From all reports from clubs already using Mylaps and from the testing done in WA, the system is a lot easier to understand and operate that the previous Bechronised System. Importing Data is...