Australian Independent Dirt Kart Association

Nominations open 1/3/21 for SA State Titles

Nominations for the  2021 SA State Titles hosted by Blanchetown Kart Club are open Monday 1st March 2021. For existing AIDKA members you can nominate via your App. Go the Menu in the top right hand corner and select Calendar. Multiple drivers can be nominated in the one transaction. You can nominate the whole family or race team if you wish! If you wish to nominate drivers and you don’t hold an AIDKA licence yourself, please use the link below: Please be reminded that you need the following details to nominate: 1) Licence # 2) Kart # 3) Copy of your logbook showing your eligibility.   If you have any issues, please email Janelle at  ...

2021 AIDKA Licences

2021 AIDKA Licences are now available for purchase. You can renew your licence using the AIDKA App and clicking on the ‘Renew’ link under your licence photo. Alternatively you can renew your licence by clicking and scrolling down under the Licence tab via this website.   COVID Rebate If you paid full price for a Drivers Licence between 1st Feb and 30th June 2020, you will receive a rebate of $70 for Snr licence and $45 for Jnr licence for your 2021 licence. If you purchased your licence between 1st July and end of 2020 season, you already have had the rebate applied via a discounted licence last...

Helmets – Date of Manufacture

Please be reminded that all helmets must have Date of Manufacture details. Please be vigilant when purchasing a helmet to use at an AIDKA sanctioned event. The responsibility lies with the user to make sure it fits correctly and that it complies with our rules.   Rule  13.1      Helmets a) Must be in sound condition, fitted and worn as per the manufacturer’s instructions  b) Must have a date of manufacture, maximum age no more than 10 years from this date c) Must be Full Face, and bear a label indicating they comply with one of the following standards: (i) AS/NZS 1698 (ii) ECE22.05 (iii) Snell SA2010, SAH2010, SA2015, M2010, M2015, K2010, K2015 (iv) Snell-FIA CMR2007, CMS2007, CMR2016, CMS2016 (v) SFI 24.1, 31.1, 31.1A, 32.2A (vi) FIA-8860, FIA-8859   d) Must be fitted with either a shatterproof visor as supplied by the manufacturer or googles.  Tear-offs, Roll-ons or similar must be used to maintain good vision, and must have a device to retain them to the helmet when used (i.e. rubber grommet or zip-tie) Visors must be closed whilst the kart is under power within the race arena. e) Cameras are not permitted to be mounted on helmets. f) Must be scrutineered, with an AIDKA approval decal applied, and details recorded into the user’s logbook before...

Notice of AGM

Please be advised that we are holding our AGM on Friday 13th November 2020 after our Council meeting (starting @ 7.30pm SA time). This will be held via Zoom. Please contact the AIDKA Secretary if you wish to attend so you can receive an invite to the Zoom session. ( Notice of...

New COVID requirements for SA Clubs eff: 21st August 2020

Effective 21st August all SA clubs have had new requirements imposed on them. We now need every SA Club to have an appointed Covid Marshal. If more than 200 people present, your Marshal is only allowed to do this role, nothing else (ie First Aid, Pit Marshal etc) Please click on link below for further information CLUB EVENTS restrictions SA 17th August To complete COVID Marshal Training:   FROM SPORTSA – Updated directions for important changes taking effect from 21st August … Dear Colleagues,As you would be aware the Commissioner provided updated Directions on the 14th August 2020 ( view here ) with further requirements to help stop the spread of COVID-19 in South Australia. Important changes taking effect from 21st August 2020 include – AS OF THE 21st AUGUST 2020, A COVID MARSHAL WILL BE REQUIRED FOR  –  The onsite purchase and consumption of food or beverages (indoor and outdoor). Gymnasiums and fitness centres. Swimming pools used by the public. Social and sporting clubs. Any activity where a COVID Management Plan is required. A COVID Marshal is required to  – Ensure infection control practices (eg: frequent handwashing) are followed. Ensure people are complying with density requirements and physical distancing principle. Ensure that all COVID Safe Plans and COVID Management Plans are effectively implemented and monitored. Ensure there is sufficient seating, hand washing facilities and cleaning regimes. Be present supervising at all times (except where the site operates for 24hours, where at all times means times of high patronage). If more than 200 persons are reasonably expected to be present at, or participating in prescribed operations, a COVID Marshal supervising the prescribed operation must not have any other duties in respect of the prescribed operation. A COVID Marshal must  –  Be 18 years of age or more. Complete the required training and keep records of the training to provide to an authorised officer on request  (Note – the training required will be online but has not yet been finalised). Take reasonable steps to visually identify as a COVID Marshal (eg: a high vis vest).   SOME TIMELY REMINDERS THAT STILL APPLY TO ALL SPORTING CLUBS  –  Alcoholic beverages by spectators at a sporting event must be consumed while seated. Food and beverages (including...

Morgan Newsletter

MDKC Newsletter July 2020