Australian Independent Dirt Kart Association

Racing to re-commence 1st July 2020

Good news! AIDKA will be back to racing from 1st July 2020 with the exception of QLD. Hopefully they won’t be far away from being able to fling some mud around too. Please see documents below for WA and SA clubs to have guidance with: CLUB EVENTS restrictions WA 24th June CLUB EVENTS restrictions SA 24th June...


Good news! Eff: 6th June 2020 We are allowed back on track albeit with a few restrictions, but at least it’s a start. We are allowing Education/Practice days only at this point. Please click on relevant links below to access further information on what our current restrictions and protocols are. AIDKA RETURN TO RACING CLUB EVENTS restrictions SA CLUB EVENTS restrictions WA COVID 19 POSTER EXTRAS COVID 19 POSTERS (1)   LICENCES HAVE BEEN...


URGENT ANNOUNCEMENT EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY (Friday 19th March 2020)  Due to today’s Government announcement of further restrictions to mass gatherings, all AIDKA events have been cancelled effective immediately (Friday 20th March 2020 until 18th May 2020). At the AIDKA Executive meeting on 15th May, we will reassess the Covid-19 Virus situation and update clubs moving forward. We have had contact from our Insurance company who suggested that if any club was found to be non-compliant with Government regulations, that no Public Liability coverage will apply. There are also heavy monetary penalties for clubs and the Association if compliance has been breached. This is something the Executive is not prepared in putting the Association at risk. We apologise for the late notice to Morgan and Jennacubbine clubs who have already put in much preparation for tomorrow’s...


AIDKA CORONA VIRUS (COVID-19) UPDATE 19th March 2020 The AIDKA Executive committee has been monitoring the rapidly changing Covid-19 Virus situation throughout Australia. Our decisions are based on what is the best interest and health of our members, officials, volunteers and supporters. As you would have seen throughout the media streams, the Covid-19 Virus situation is changing daily. We have assessed all documents and media releases from State/Federal Governments and Health authorities. The below decisions have not been made lightly and please consider that the current state and restrictions could change at any time. BLANCHETOWN SA TITLES 2020 The AIDKA Executive have had discussions with Blanchetown Kart Club and both have agreed that the 2020 SA titles will be cancelled. The 2021 SA State Titles will be now held at the Blanchetown Kart Club on 30th April, 1st and 2nd May 2021 which means the roster for SA Titles will all be moved back one year. This is not a normal situation of ‘Force Majeure’ but feel this is the best outcome for all. This will hopefully allow most accommodation bookings to be transferred from 2020 to 2021. Cancelling now is our best option to minimise expenditure for all and eliminate the risk of cancellation if authorities change protocol and guidelines anytime moving forward, which could be just days before the event. Full refunds for current SA Title nominations will occur but please be patient. CLUB EVENTS Club events may continue until further notice but please be aware this could change at a moments notice. If Government and Health authorities place any further restrictions on mass gatherings, we will cancel all meetings effective immediately. Some clubs may opt to not race from now and this is entirely their decision. The following restrictions/protocols must be followed at all club events. Maximum nominations will be 125. If you are feeling unwell STAY AT HOME. If you personally are in a high-risk category STAY AT HOME. If you have travelled overseas in last 14 days STAY AT HOME and self-isolate. Personal Hygiene is a must. All participants to be vigilant and wash hands regularly with soap and/or use hand sanitiser (please bring your own if possible). Keep...

Blanchetown 2020 SA State Title CANCELLED eff: 18/3/2020

PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THESE TITLES HAVE NOW BEEN CANCELLED DUE TO CURRENT CORONA VIRUS PANDEMIC. PLEASE SEE SEPARATE POST REGARDING THIS DECISION. Eff: 18th March 2020   Nominations for the Blanchetown 2020 SA Titles are now open. Click on the link below to view the Prospectus: 2020 SA Titles Prospectus To nominate: Nominations will close: Monday 30th March 2020 @ 9pm SA Time To view ‘Live Nominations’ and see who has nominated: Click...

SA Masters Games

SA Masters Games

Jan 13, 2020

If you want to have the opportunity to race your kart as part of the SA Masters Games being hosted by Tatiara karting Club, please click on link below for further information. SA MASTERS KARTS POSTER