Dec 18, 2023
Dear Members,
At the AIDKA AGM held Friday 8th December 2023, the fees for the 2024 season where reviewed and as a result unfortunately there have been some increases. The attached document lists the updated fees, with the changes highlighted.
However, we will just touch on a few points below:
After 5 years without having changes the licence fees unfortunately this year the licences have increased. Every effort has been made to keep this increase to a minimum, however it has been unavoidable.
Casual Pit Passes have increased to $10 per pass/day. AIDKA will retain the full $10 per pass and will invoice each club as we currently do. AIDKA will be providing wrist bands to each club for the Casual Pit Passes, and these will be issued before the start of the season. For those pit crews who regularly attend meetings and purchase a Casual Pit Pass, we encourage you to look at purchasing a Pit Crew Licence.
The Maximum Title Nomination Fee has been increased so that the AIDKA Levy can be increased from $30 to $45. This was proposed by one of the Clubs to offset the titles expense to AIDKA.
Finally, a new fee has been introduced “AIDKA Nomination Levy” this is a $3 levy on all club event nominations (including Education Days). The purpose of this levy is to reduce a larger increase in the licensing fees. By introducing this levy the cost can be spread across a race season rather than at the time of licence purchase/renewal.
Whilst every effort has been made to keep the fee increases to a minimum (including a review of expenditure) unfortunately as an association we have had no alternative but to increase fees.
Please note 2024 Licence will not be available for purchase until the 1st January 2024. Also please be mindful that your club has to approve the licence their end and have paid their annual Club Affiliation Fees before any licences are validated at AIDKA’s end.
We look forward to seeing everyone trackside in 2024.
AIDKA Executive