Jul 3, 2023
Recently AIDKA have undertaken a review of our fuel rules which included conducting a survey of what fuel and oils members are using. After the AIDKA Survey results were analysed, 22 oils have been tested with PULP, VP C9 and PowerPlus at all different ratios to get a current data base. From these results the Fuel Committee, along with the AIDKA Technical Committee have proposed we control oils available for use in AIDKA to a list of 22 oils and have an option for others to be introduced or some eliminated if our data shows from testing that it is not being used readily. This will help control fuel and oils within the sport. Amongst the testing and analysis, we have found that PowerPlus contains ethanol and is illegal for our sport. The readings are extremely different to the other 2 options of fuel available. At the June 2023 Council Meeting it was passed that the below rule changes be implemented effective as of 1st September 2023. This includes banning PowerPlus. Please note that PowerPlus cannot be used at any title event prior to this date, but only club meetings. Fuel Rule Change_eff 1 Sept 2023Download Please familiarise yourself with the following rule changes (highlighted in yellow) that will be effective as of 1st September 2023. Regards AIDKA Executive & AIDKA Technical...